Alright….so I realize that it has been about a
weekish-almost-since I updated. Mostly because nothing big has happened! I also
feel a teensy bit of pressure to make this a good post. Too many people told me
they liked the last one, and as I didn’t think I could do anything as good or
better, I didn’t update. So brace yourself for this one. This is mostly an excuse for some pictures.
I really, really enjoy Fridays here. Mostly, I have no
class. Now, that does not mean I go out for crazy Thirsty Thursdays then have
Friday to recover from the hangover. It means I have an entire day to myself,
and the freedom is absolutely lovely.
This particular Friday I was able to do a quiet load of
laundry—and met the nicest porter, she helped me figure out the spinner and
pick the right settings for the wash! And after pretending that I was going to
do some schoolwork, I decided that the day was too nice to waste inside reading
about psychometric testing.
On Thursday I had taken a walk, and come to a spot where
there were three directions I wanted to go in. However it was pouring, and
although I love the rain I was not dressed appropriately so I turned back. So on Friday I set out in the same direction and when I
came to this spot, I took a right on a little dirt path. I figured out that
this path runs right behind the university (on the other side of a stone wall),
and when it reached a giant mud puddle I turned back. (Fun Fact: Today I
wandered behind the university again and ended up on the other side of the mud
At this point there was another dirt path I could walk
along, or I could continue up the road. I chose the road and began a steep
uphill climb. There were so many paths I wanted to follow. I have my work cut
out for me in terms of explorin’. Against all impulse I continued on the paved
road, not looking for another adventure where I get lost.
This isn't the steep uphill part. |
After what seemed like (or actually was) forever, I noticed
a mountain biker coming down the hills, bouncing up and down and over rocks. He
slowed down and stopped at the gate. This led me to wonder if anyone can go
through this gate. I mean, back in The States we have private property laws. If
I were to just traipse through a gate I could be shot for trespassing. I
decided to approach the gate and look for a sign about the rules. To my surprise,
it was a public path. All that was asked that I keep my dog on a lead because of
the livestock.
Baa baa |
Uhm, what? I can just wander on to land where someone keeps
their livestock? How do they know I won’t run off with one of their sheep or
hairy coos? If I can make room in my suitcase, I’m coming back here for one!
Imma get one! |
I started climbing up through the hills, telling myself each
time I reached a new top that I would head back right after the next one.
Finally, when I couldn’t get any higher without having to go back down and up
again I decided to sit on a rock and just stare.
Basically. I was speechless. The colors of everything were
saturated to the point of looking fake. As if I were looking at a photo-shopped
picture in a calendar. I have never seen anything so bright. The clouds, the
hills, the sky were so vivid.
Then it started raining. Not a lot, but just enough for me
to put my hood up to muffle all sounds but the rain. I am just going to
put this out there. I really love the rain. While everyone else might complain
about the rain and cold here and send their regrets about the weather—I am
perfectly happy. I enjoy sunny days too, of course. But I really love walking
in the rain and jumping in puddles. But I promise I’m not five.
Because I love the rain, I stayed put for a while. Eventually, I decided I head back and started
back down the slippery path toward the gate. I think Scotland, or at least this
part of it, is even more beautiful in the rain. I love how the smell of the
rocks, dirt, and grass mix together. I love sticking out my hands and letting
the rain fall on them until I have cold pins-and-needles, and watching them
slowly turn white until just my fingertips are red. I love the quiet except for
the sounds of rain hitting different surfaces and trying to put a more exact onomatopoeia
word to it—not just pit pit pat, or drip drip drop. I love the clouds with wisps that reach toward
the ground. Mostly, I just love the rain. And I love Scotland in the
rain. And I can’t wait to come back to this spot and climb up to the next peak.
I’ll bring a picnic and a book and pretend that I will study when I get to the
top :)
What about your travails with BOFA?