Sunday, October 7, 2012

This Week

So, I realise that I haven't posted in about a week. Sorry about that! Nothing incredibly interesting has happened, so I will just summarise the week.

Monday: I went to my education class, then did grocery shopping as I was completely out of food. Unfortunately, we did not go until the evening and got back around 8:30. I made a delicious dinner that lasted days though! Pasta (the wee shells) with Tesco brand "pasta sauce" (the label was not too specific), chickpeas, and broccoli.

Tuesday: Tuesdays are generally my busier days. I had my education seminar in the morning. During which I fielded some...interesting (for lack of a better word) questions. For instance:

Girl: Do you have a pool in your backyard?
Me: Nope, it's too cold, and we don't really have room.
Girl: But I thought America was hot? [This is understandable since she has been to Florida, where I am guessing it is hot and the vast majority have some sort of pool]
Me: Well, parts are, just not where I'm from.
Guy: Do you have a Hispanic gardener then?
Me: [Trying not to laugh] No, we don't.

It just juts out so much!
Wednesday: I only had one class, which was in the morning. Some friends and I were going to go see Brave in the campus movie theatre, but it turned out that it wasn't playing. We were all very disappointed! I then went walking in the hilly farmland behind campus. There is a certain hill you can see from Uni that I always look at and tell myself that I will eventually climb. Today I did =] I might write about it later, it was a nice experience. My shoes were SOAKED in mud though, and I thought they would never dry until I was told to stuff them with crumpled newspaper to suck up the moisture. It worked really well and I can wear them again!
Results of my adventuring on Wednesday
 Thursday:  To be honest, I can't really remember what I did today. I had one class. Ho hum.

EDIT: Just kidding! I went to a talk on the scientific fraud of 9/11, specifically about WTC7. It was interesting coming from an outside/non-American source. I also skyped with my bestest friend =]

Friday: I had no classes! Yipeee! I got to skype my other lovely bestest friend in the morning. Then I did laundry. And afterward I went out to get a scrubby brush to clean off the dried mud on my shoes. Instead I got the scratchy sponges, but those worked just as well!

Saturday: There is a walking group every Saturday morning, my hallmates and I got ourselves out of bed early enough to go. We hiked up...somewhere. To a resevoir (very pretty, but the pictures are still on my camera). I also got stung (not sure if this is the right verb) by nettle. But I suppose not trip to Scotland is complete without this happening.That night we also played about five zillion different card games, ending with Five Card Mao (best played with Uno cards). We played until about one in the morning I think, and I think we ended with a total of fourteen rules. Whew!

Sunday: I've actually done homework! I've done lots of research and got a suitable outline done for a small essay (worth a disproportionate amount of my grade) that is due next week. I also got to do all this in the comfort of a booth of the cafe on campus. Now I am just procrastinating and updating this thing because I am sooooooooo tired of research and writing.

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